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Why Choose Lumalex LED Lights?

Take a read and you’ll see why.

Very Impressed & Excited

“I have to say, that I am very impressed with the results I have gotten and very excited about the potential these have to offer.”

Spectra FX Grower

Extremely Good & Fast

“The vegetative growth results are extremely good (fast) as are the flowering results. Flowering is better than what I would expect out of top end commercial grow fixtures.”

Spectra FX Grower

Huge Savings on Power Usage

“The plant structures stay nice and tight and they seem to love the light spectrum. The savings on power usage is substantial and the loads on the cooling system are drastically reduced, which increases the savings even further. This makes climate control almost too easy.”

Spectra FX Grower

*By client request, some names have remained anonomous.

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